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Helpful Links BEFORE Surgery

"To-Do" List Before Surgery

You will have a series of appointments including labs, medical clearance, and physical therapy. There is also helpful information to prepare you and your caregiver for surgery and a successful recovery.

Patient Optimization

For elective joint replacements, it is essential to optimize all possible modifiable risk factors and ensure medical conditions are stabilized prior to surgery. Our goal is to provide you with the best joint replacement experience possible, and to decrease your risk of post- operative complications.

Dental Procedures & Antibiotics

Cancel any dental appointments 1 month PRIOR to surgery and 3 months AFTER surgery. If you have any loose teeth or dental work that needs to get done, let us know IMMEDIATELY. All dental work should be completed 4-6 weeks before surgery.

It is recommended that all patients start these short, simple exercises at least 4 weeks before surgery to help activate your muscles and aide your recovery after surgery!

Days Leading Up to Surgery

Before your surgery, you will talk to your Physician(s) as to which medication you will need to discontinue taking prior to surgery. 

You must stop all vitamins/ supplements, NSAIDs (ex: Aspirin, Advil, ibuprofen), Aspirin 1 week before surgery.  Additionally, all blood thinners must be stopped as directed. 

It is recommended that you take a few medications prior to surgery. These include an ointment that is placed up the nose, a skin preparatory soap for your skin, and a couple of vitamins. These steps are helpful to decreasing the risk of an infection in your joint replacement.

Helpful instructions for the days leading up to surgery and how to prepare yourself and your home for a successful recovery.

What to expect the day of surgery and a safe discharge home.

Post Op Recovery

Information to make your first days at home, and post op recovery a success

We utilize a multimodal approach to pain control, consisting of cryotherapy, NSAIDs, Tylenol and narcotic pain medicariton

Sample plan to follow and record pain medications

The "Big 3" exercises for hip or knee 

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